JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Client for Python

This Python module provides bindings for the JACK library.

Python Package Index:


Of course, you’ll need Python. Any version where CFFI (see below) is supported should work. If you don’t have Python installed yet, you should get one of the distributions which already include CFFI and NumPy (and many other useful things), e.g. Anaconda or WinPython.

Those are needed for the installation of the Python module and its dependencies. Most systems will have these installed already, but if not, you should install it with your package manager or you can download and install pip and setuptools as described on the pip installation page. If you happen to have pip but not setuptools, use this command:

pip install setuptools --user

The C Foreign Function Interface for Python is used to access the C-API of the JACK library from within Python. It supports CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.x; and is distributed with PyPy 2.0 beta2 or later. You should install it with your package manager (if it’s not installed already), or you can get it with:

pip install cffi --user
JACK library:
The JACK library must be installed on your system (and CFFI must be able to find it). Again, you should use your package manager to install it. Make sure you install the JACK daemon (called jackd). This will also install the JACK library package. If you don’t have a package manager, you can try one of the binary installers from the JACK download page. If you prefer, you can of course also download the sources and compile everything locally.
NumPy (optional):
NumPy is only needed if you want to access the input and output buffers in the process callback as NumPy arrays. The only place where NumPy is needed is jack.OwnPort.get_array(). If you need NumPy, you should install it with your package manager or use a Python distribution that already includes NumPy (see above). Installing NumPy with pip is not recommended.


Once you have installed the above-mentioned dependencies, you can use pip to download and install the latest release with a single command:

pip install JACK-Client --user

If you want to install it system-wide for all users (assuming you have the necessary rights), you can just drop the --user option.

To un-install, use:

pip uninstall JACK-Client

If you want to avoid installation altogether, you can simply copy jack.py to your working directory (or to any directory in your Python path).


First, import the module:

>>> import jack

Then, you most likely want to create a new jack.Client:

>>> client = jack.Client("MyGreatClient")

You probably want to create some audio input and output ports, too:

>>> client.inports.register("input_1")
>>> client.outports.register("output_1")

As you can see, these functions return the newly created port. If you want, you can save it for later:

>>> in2 = client.inports.register("input_2")
>>> out2 = client.outports.register("output_2")

To see what you can do with the returned objects, have a look at the documentation of the class jack.OwnPort.

In case you forgot, you should remind yourself about the ports you just created:

>>> client.inports
[jack.OwnPort('MyGreatClient:input_1'), jack.OwnPort('MyGreatClient:input_2')]
>>> client.outports
[jack.OwnPort('MyGreatClient:output_1'), jack.OwnPort('MyGreatClient:output_2')]

Have a look at the documentation of the class jack.Ports to get more detailed information about these lists of ports.

If you have selected an appropriate driver in your JACK settings, you can also create MIDI ports:

>>> client.midi_inports.register("midi_in")
>>> client.midi_outports.register("midi_out")

You can check what other JACK ports are available (your output may be different):

>>> client.get_ports()  

Note that the ports you created yourself are of type jack.OwnPort and jack.OwnMidiPort, while other ports are merely of type jack.Port and jack.MidiPort, respectively.

You can also be more specific when looking for ports:

>>> client.get_ports(is_audio=True, is_output=True, is_physical=True)
[jack.Port('system:capture_1'), jack.Port('system:capture_2')]

You can even use regular expressions to search for ports:

>>> client.get_ports("Great.*2$")
[jack.OwnPort('MyGreatClient:input_2'), jack.OwnPort('MyGreatClient:output_2')]

If you want, you can also set all kinds of callback functions for your client. For details see the documentation for the class jack.Client and the example applications in the examples/ directory. The methods jack.OwnPort.get_buffer() and jack.OwnPort.get_array() shall only be called from within the process callback (see jack.Client.set_process_callback()). jack.OwnMidiPort has a few additional methods which should only be used in the process callback. Have a look at the example applications examples/midi_*.py to see how that works.

Once you are ready to run, you should activate your client:

>>> client.activate()

As soon as the client is activated, you can make connections (this isn’t possible before activating the client):

>>> client.connect("system:capture_1", "MyGreatClient:input_1")
>>> client.connect("MyGreatClient:output_1", "system:playback_1")

You can also use the port objects from before instead of port names:

>>> client.connect(out2, "system:playback_2")
>>> in2.connect("system:capture_2")

Use jack.Client.get_all_connections() to find out which other ports are connected to a given port. If you own the port, you can also use jack.OwnPort.connections.

>>> client.get_all_connections("system:playback_1")
>>> out2.connections

Of course you can also disconnect ports, there are again several possibilities:

>>> client.disconnect("system:capture_1", "MyGreatClient:input_1")
>>> client.disconnect(out2, "system:playback_2")
>>> in2.disconnect()  # disconnect all connections with in2

If you don’t need your ports anymore, you can un-register them:

>>> in2.unregister()
>>> client.outports.clear()  # unregister all audio output ports

Finally, you can de-activate your JACK client and close it:

>>> client.deactivate()
>>> client.close()

More Examples

For more examples, have a look at the Example Programs.


If you find bugs, errors, omissions or other things that need improvement, please create an issue or a pull request at http://github.com/spatialaudio/jackclient-python. Contributions are always welcome!

Instead of pip-installing the latest release from PyPI, you should get the newest development version from Github:

git clone https://github.com/spatialaudio/jackclient-python.git
cd jackclient-python
python setup.py develop --user

This way, your installation always stays up-to-date, even if you pull new changes from the Github repository.

If you prefer, you can also replace the last command with:

pip install --user -e .

... where -e stands for --editable.

If you make changes to the documentation, you can re-create the HTML pages using Sphinx. You can install it and a few other necessary packages with:

pip install -r doc/requirements.txt --user

To create the HTML pages, use:

python setup.py build_sphinx

The generated files will be available in the directory build/sphinx/html/.

There are no proper tests (yet?), but the code examples from the README file can be verified by:

python setup.py test

This uses py.test; if you haven’t installed it already, it will be downloaded and installed for you.

API Documentation

JACK Client for Python.


jack.STOPPED = 0

Transport halted.

jack.ROLLING = 1

Transport playing.

jack.STARTING = 3

Waiting for sync ready.


Waiting for sync ready on the network.

class jack.Client(name, use_exact_name=False, no_start_server=False, servername=None, session_id=None)[source]

Create a new JACK client.


name (str) – The desired client name of at most client_name_size() characters. The name scope is local to each server. Unless forbidden by the use_exact_name option, the server will modify this name to create a unique variant, if needed.

Other Parameters:
  • use_exact_name (bool) – Whether an error should be raised if name is not unique. See Status.name_not_unique.
  • no_start_server (bool) – Do not automatically start the JACK server when it is not already running. This option is always selected if JACK_NO_START_SERVER is defined in the calling process environment.
  • servername (str) – Selects from among several possible concurrent server instances. Server names are unique to each user. If unspecified, use "default" unless JACK_DEFAULT_SERVER is defined in the process environment.
  • session_id (str) – Pass a SessionID Token. This allows the sessionmanager to identify the client again.

The name of the JACK client (read-only).


The sample rate of the JACK system (read-only).


The JACK block size (must be a power of two).

The current maximum size that will ever be passed to the process callback. It should only be queried before activate() has been called. This size may change, clients that depend on it must register a callback with set_blocksize_callback() so they will be notified if it does.

Changing the blocksize stops the JACK engine process cycle, then calls all registered callback functions (see set_blocksize_callback()) before restarting the process cycle. This will cause a gap in the audio flow, so it should only be done at appropriate stopping points.


JACK client status. See Status.


Whether JACK is running with -R (--realtime).


Time since start of audio block.

The estimated time in frames that has passed since the JACK server began the current process cycle.


The estimated current time in frames.

This is intended for use in other threads (not the process callback). The return value can be compared with the value of last_frame_time to relate time in other threads to JACK time.


The precise time at the start of the current process cycle.

This may only be used from the process callback (see set_process_callback()), and can be used to interpret timestamps generated by frame_time in other threads with respect to the current process cycle.

This is the only jack time function that returns exact time: when used during the process callback it always returns the same value (until the next process callback, where it will return that value + blocksize, etc). The return value is guaranteed to be monotonic and linear in this fashion unless an xrun occurs (see set_xrun_callback()). If an xrun occurs, clients must check this value again, as time may have advanced in a non-linear way (e.g. cycles may have been skipped).


A list of audio input Ports.

New ports can be created and added to this list with the register() method. When unregister() is called on one of the items in this list, this port is removed from the list. The clear() method can be used to unregister all audio input ports at once.

See also

Ports, OwnPort


A list of audio output Ports.

New ports can be created and added to this list with the register() method. When unregister() is called on one of the items in this list, this port is removed from the list. The clear() method can be used to unregister all audio output ports at once.

See also

Ports, OwnPort


A list of MIDI input Ports.

New MIDI ports can be created and added to this list with the register() method. When unregister() is called on one of the items in this list, this port is removed from the list. The clear() method can be used to unregister all MIDI input ports at once.

See also

Ports, OwnMidiPort


A list of MIDI output Ports.

New MIDI ports can be created and added to this list with the register() method. When unregister() is called on one of the items in this list, this port is removed from the list. The clear() method can be used to unregister all MIDI output ports at once.

See also

Ports, OwnMidiPort


Check if a given port belongs to self.

Parameters:port (str or Port) – Full port name or Port, MidiPort, OwnPort or OwnMidiPort object.

Activate JACK client.

Tell the JACK server that the program is ready to start processing audio.


De-activate JACK client.

Tell the JACK server to remove self from the process graph. Also, disconnect all ports belonging to it, since inactive clients have no port connections.


Return the current CPU load estimated by JACK.

This is a running average of the time it takes to execute a full process cycle for all clients as a percentage of the real time available per cycle determined by the blocksize and samplerate.


Close the JACK client.

connect(source, destination)[source]

Establish a connection between two ports.

When a connection exists, data written to the source port will be available to be read at the destination port.

Audio ports can obviously not be connected with MIDI ports.

  • source (str or Port) – One end of the connection. Must be an output port.
  • destination (str or Port) – The other end of the connection. Must be an input port.
disconnect(source, destination)[source]

Remove a connection between two ports.

Parameters:source, destination (str or Port) – See connect().

Start JACK transport.


Stop JACK transport.


JACK transport state.


See also



Reposition the JACK transport to a new frame number.

Parameters:frame (int) – Frame number.

Query the current transport state and position.

This is a convenience function that does the same as transport_query_struct() but it only returns the valid fields in an easy-to-use dict.


See also



Query the current transport state and position.

This function is realtime-safe, and can be called from any thread. If called from the process thread, the returned position corresponds to the first frame of the current cycle and the state returned is valid for the entire cycle.


Request a new transport position.

May be called at any time by any client. The new position takes effect in two process cycles. If there are slow-sync clients and the transport is already rolling, it will enter the STARTING state and begin invoking their sync callbacks (see set_sync_callback()) until ready. This function is realtime-safe.

Parameters:position (jack_position_t) – Requested new transport position. This is the same structure as returned by transport_query_struct().

Start/Stop JACK’s “freewheel” mode.

When in “freewheel” mode, JACK no longer waits for any external event to begin the start of the next process cycle.

As a result, freewheel mode causes “faster than realtime” execution of a JACK graph. If possessed, real-time scheduling is dropped when entering freewheel mode, and if appropriate it is reacquired when stopping.

IMPORTANT: on systems using capabilities to provide real-time scheduling (i.e. Linux kernel 2.4), if onoff is zero, this function must be called from the thread that originally called activate(). This restriction does not apply to other systems (e.g. Linux kernel 2.6 or OS X).

Parameters:onoff (bool) – If True, freewheel mode starts. Otherwise freewheel mode ends.

Register shutdown callback.

Register a function (and optional argument) to be called if and when the JACK server shuts down the client thread. The function must be written as if it were an asynchonrous POSIX signal handler – use only async-safe functions, and remember that it is executed from another thread. A typical function might set a flag or write to a pipe so that the rest of the application knows that the JACK client thread has shut down.


Clients do not need to call this. It exists only to help more complex clients understand what is going on. It should be called before activate().


The callback should typically signal another thread to correctly finish cleanup by calling close() (since close() cannot be called directly in the context of the thread that calls the shutdown callback).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever the JACK daemon is shutdown. It must have this signature:

callback(status: Status, reason: str) -> None

The argument status is of type jack.Status.


After server shutdown, the client is not deallocated by JACK, the user (that’s you!) is responsible to properly use close() to release client ressources.


close() cannot be safely used inside the shutdown callback and has to be called outside of the callback context.


Register process callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever there is work be done.

The code in the supplied function must be suitable for real-time execution. That means that it cannot call functions that might block for a long time. This includes malloc, free, printf, pthread_mutex_lock, sleep, wait, poll, select, pthread_join, pthread_cond_wait, etc, etc.


Most Python interpreters use a global interpreter lock (GIL), which violates the above real-time requirement. Furthermore, Python’s garbage collector might become active at an inconvenient time and block the process callback for some time.

Because of this, Python is not really suitable for real-time processing. If you want to implement a reliable real-time audio/MIDI application, you should use a different programming language, such as C or C++.

If you can live with some random audio drop-outs now and then, feel free to continue using Python!


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called by the engine anytime there is work to be done. It must have this signature:

callback(frames: int) -> None

The argument frames specifies the number of frames that have to be processed in the current audio block. It will be the same number as blocksize and it will be a power of two.

As long as the client is active, the callback will be called once in each process cycle. However, if an exception is raised inside of a callback, it will not be called anymore. The exception CallbackExit can be used to silently prevent further callback invocations, all other exceptions will print an error message to stderr.


Register freewheel callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever we enter or leave “freewheel” mode. The argument to the callback will be True if JACK is entering freewheel mode, and False otherwise.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever JACK starts or stops freewheeling. It must have this signature:

callback(starting: bool) -> None

The argument starting is True if we start to freewheel, False otherwise.

See also



Register blocksize callback.

Tell JACK to call callback whenever the size of the the buffer that will be passed to the process callback is about to change. Clients that depend on knowing the buffer size must supply a callback before activating themselves.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is invoked whenever the JACK engine buffer size changes. It must have this signature:

callback(blocksize: int) -> None

The argument blocksize is the new buffer size. The callback is supposed to raise CallbackExit on error.


Although this function is called in the JACK process thread, the normal process cycle is suspended during its operation, causing a gap in the audio flow. So, the callback can allocate storage, touch memory not previously referenced, and perform other operations that are not realtime safe.

See also



Register samplerate callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever the system sample rate changes.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called when the engine sample rate changes. It must have this signature:

callback(samplerate: int) -> None

The argument samplerate is the new engine sample rate. The callback is supposed to raise CallbackExit on error.

See also



Register client registration callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever a client is registered or unregistered.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever a client is registered or unregistered. It must have this signature:

callback(name: str, register: bool) -> None

The first argument contains the client name, the second argument is True if the client is being registered and False if the client is being unregistered.


Register port registration callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever a port is registered or unregistered.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function function that is called whenever a port is registered or unregistered. It must have this signature:

callback(port: Port, register: bool) -> None

The first argument is a Port, MidiPort, OwnPort or OwnMidiPort object, the second argument is True if the port is being registered, False if the port is being unregistered.

See also



Register port connect callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever a port is connected or disconnected.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever a port is connected or disconnected. It must have this signature:

callback(a: Port, b: Port, connect: bool) -> None

The first and second arguments contain Port, MidiPort, OwnPort or OwnMidiPort objects of the ports which are connected or disconnected. The third argument is True if the ports were connected and False if the ports were disconnected.


Register port rename callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever a port is renamed.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever the port name has been changed. It must have this signature:

callback(port: Port, old: str, new: str) -> None

The first argument is the port that has been renamed (a Port, MidiPort, OwnPort or OwnMidiPort object); the second and third argument is the old and new name, respectively. The callback is supposed to raise CallbackExit on error.

See also



The port rename callback is not available in JACK 1! See this mailing list posting and this commit message.


Register graph order callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever the processing graph is reordered.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever the processing graph is reordered. It must have this signature:

callback() -> None

The callback is supposed to raise CallbackExit on error.


Register xrun callback.

Tell the JACK server to call callback whenever there is an xrun.

All “notification events” are received in a separated non RT thread, the code in the supplied function does not need to be suitable for real-time execution.


This function cannot be called while the client is activated (after activate() has been called).


callback (callable) – User-supplied function that is called whenever an xrun has occured. It must have this signature:

callback(delayed_usecs: float) -> None

The callback argument is the delay in microseconds due to the most recent XRUN occurrence. The callback is supposed to raise CallbackExit on error.

set_timebase_callback(callback=None, conditional=False)[source]

Register as timebase master for the JACK subsystem.

The timebase master registers a callback that updates extended position information such as beats or timecode whenever necessary. Without this extended information, there is no need for this function.

There is never more than one master at a time. When a new client takes over, the former callback is no longer called. Taking over the timebase may be done conditionally, so that callback is not registered if there was a master already.

  • callback (callable) – Realtime function that returns extended position information. Its output affects all of the following process cycle. This realtime function must not wait. It is called immediately after the process callback (see set_process_callback()) in the same thread whenever the transport is rolling, or when any client has requested a new position in the previous cycle. The first cycle after set_timebase_callback() is also treated as a new position, or the first cycle after activate() if the client had been inactive. The callback must have this signature:

    callback(state: int, blocksize: int, pos: jack_position_t, new_pos: bool) -> None

    The current transport state. See transport_state.


    The number of frames in the current period. See blocksize.


    The position structure for the next cycle; pos.frame will be its frame number. If new_pos is False, this structure contains extended position information from the current cycle. If new_pos is True, it contains whatever was set by the requester. The callback‘s task is to update the extended information here. See transport_query_struct() for details about jack_position_t.


    True for a newly requested pos, or for the first cycle after the timebase callback is defined.


    The pos argument must not be used to set pos.frame. To change position, use transport_reposition_struct() or transport_locate(). These functions are realtime-safe, the timebase callback can call them directly.

  • conditional (bool) – Set to True for a conditional request.


boolTrue if the timebase callback was registered. False if a conditional request failed because another timebase master is already registered.


Get the session ID for a client name.

The session manager needs this to reassociate a client name to the session ID.


Get the client name for a session ID.

In order to snapshot the graph connections, the session manager needs to map session IDs to client names.


Get port by name.

Given a full port name, this returns a Port, MidiPort, OwnPort or OwnMidiPort object.


Return a list of ports which the given port is connected to.

This differs from OwnPort.connections (also available on OwnMidiPort) in two important respects:

  1. You may not call this function from code that is executed in response to a JACK event. For example, you cannot use it in a graph order callback.
  2. You need not be the owner of the port to get information about its connections.
get_ports(name_pattern='', is_audio=False, is_midi=False, is_input=False, is_output=False, is_physical=False, can_monitor=False, is_terminal=False)[source]

Return a list of selected ports.

  • name_pattern (str) – A regular expression used to select ports by name. If empty, no selection based on name will be carried out.
  • is_audio, is_midi (bool) – Select audio/MIDI ports. If neither of them is True, both types of ports are selected.
  • is_input, is_output, is_physical, can_monitor, is_terminal (bool) – Select ports by their flags. If none of them are True, no selection based on flags will be carried out.

list of Port/MidiPort/OwnPort/OwnMidiPort – All ports that satisfy the given conditions.

class jack.Port(port_ptr)[source]

A JACK audio port.

This class cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, instances of this class are returned from Client.get_port_by_name(), Client.get_ports(), Client.get_all_connections() and OwnPort.connections. In addition, instances of this class are available in the callbacks which are set with Client.set_port_registration_callback(), Client.set_port_connect_callback() or Client.set_port_rename_callback().

Note, however, that if the used Client owns the respective port, instances of OwnPort (instead of Port) will be created. In case of MIDI ports, instances of MidiPort or OwnMidiPort are created.

Besides being the type of non-owned JACK audio ports, this class also serves as base class for all other port classes (OwnPort, MidiPort and OwnMidiPort).

New JACK audio/MIDI ports can be created with the register() method of Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports and Client.midi_outports.


Full name of the JACK port (read-only).


Short name of the JACK port, not including “client_name:”.

Must be unique among all ports owned by a client.

May be modified at any time. If the resulting full name (including the “client_name:” prefix) is longer than port_name_size(), it will be truncated.


The UUID of the JACK port.


This is always True.


This is always False.


Can the port receive data?


Can data be read from this port?


Does it correspond to some kind of physical I/O connector?


Does a call to request_monitor() make sense?


Is the data consumed/generated?


Set input monitoring.

If can_monitor is True, turn input monitoring on or off. Otherwise, do nothing.

Parameters:onoff (bool) – If True, switch monitoring on; if False, switch it off.
class jack.MidiPort(port_ptr)[source]


This class is derived from Port and has exactly the same attributes and methods.

This class cannot be instantiated directly (see Port).

New JACK audio/MIDI ports can be created with the register() method of Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports and Client.midi_outports.

See also

Port, OwnMidiPort


This is always False.


This is always True.

class jack.OwnPort(port_ptr, client)[source]

A JACK audio port owned by a Client object.

This class is derived from Port. OwnPort objects can do everything that Port objects can, plus a lot more.

This class cannot be instantiated directly (see Port).

New JACK audio/MIDI ports can be created with the register() method of Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports and Client.midi_outports.


Number of connections to or from port.


List of ports which the port is connected to.


Am I directly connected to port?

Parameters:port (str or Port) – Full port name or port object.

Connect to given port.

Parameters:port (str or Port) – Full port name or port object.

See also



Disconnect this port.

Parameters:other (str or Port) – Port to disconnect from. By default, disconnect from all connected ports.

Unregister port.

Remove the port from the client, disconnecting any existing connections. This also removes the port from Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports or Client.midi_outports.


Get buffer for audio data.

This returns a buffer holding the memory area associated with the specified port. For an output port, it will be a memory area that can be written to; for an input port, it will be an area containing the data from the port’s connection(s), or zero-filled. If there are multiple inbound connections, the data will be mixed appropriately.

Caching output ports is DEPRECATED in JACK 2.0, due to some new optimization (like “pipelining”). Port buffers have to be retrieved in each callback for proper functioning.


Get audio buffer as NumPy array.

Make sure to import numpy before calling this, otherwise the first call might take a long time.

See also


class jack.OwnMidiPort(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A JACK MIDI port owned by a Client object.

This class is derived from OwnPort and MidiPort, which are themselves derived from Port. It has the same attributes and methods as OwnPort, but get_buffer() and get_array() are disabled. Instead, it has methods for sending and receiving MIDI events (to be used from within the process callback – see Client.set_process_callback()).

This class cannot be instantiated directly (see Port).

New JACK audio/MIDI ports can be created with the register() method of Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports and Client.midi_outports.


Not available for MIDI ports.


Not available for MIDI ports.


Get the size of the largest event that can be stored by the port.

This returns the current space available, taking into account events already stored in the port.


Get the number of events that could not be written to the port.

This being a non-zero value implies that the port is full. Currently the only way this can happen is if events are lost on port mixdown.


Return generator for incoming MIDI events.

JACK MIDI is normalised, the MIDI events yielded by this generator are guaranteed to be complete MIDI events (the status byte will always be present, and no realtime events will be interspersed with the events).

  • time (int) – Time (in samples) relative to the beginning of the current audio block.
  • event (buffer) – The actual MIDI event data.

Clear an event buffer.

This should be called at the beginning of each process cycle before calling reserve_midi_event() or write_midi_event(). This function may not be called on an input port.

write_midi_event(time, event)[source]

Create an outgoing MIDI event.

Clients must write normalised MIDI data to the port - no running status and no (one-byte) realtime messages interspersed with other messages (realtime messages are fine when they occur on their own, like other messages).

Events must be written in order, sorted by their sample offsets. JACK will not sort the events for you, and will refuse to store out-of-order events.

  • time (int) – Time (in samples) relative to the beginning of the current audio block.

  • event (bytes or buffer or sequence of int) – The actual MIDI event data.


    Buffer objects are only supported for CFFI >= 0.9.


JackError – If MIDI event couldn’t be written.

reserve_midi_event(time, size)[source]

Get a buffer where an outgoing MIDI event can be written to.

Clients must write normalised MIDI data to the port - no running status and no (one-byte) realtime messages interspersed with other messages (realtime messages are fine when they occur on their own, like other messages).

Events must be written in order, sorted by their sample offsets. JACK will not sort the events for you, and will refuse to store out-of-order events.

  • time (int) – Time (in samples) relative to the beginning of the current audio block.
  • size (int) – Number of bytes to reserve.

buffer – A buffer object where MIDI data bytes can be written to. If no space could be reserved, an empty buffer is returned.

class jack.Ports(client, porttype, flag)[source]

A list of input/output ports.

This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. It is only used as Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports and Client.midi_outports.

The ports can be accessed by indexing or by iteration.

New ports can be added with register(), existing ports can be removed by calling their unregister() method.

register(shortname, is_terminal=False, is_physical=False)[source]

Create a new input/output port.

The new OwnPort or OwnMidiPort object is automatically added to Client.inports, Client.outports, Client.midi_inports or Client.midi_outports.

  • shortname (str) – Each port has a short name. The port’s full name contains the name of the client concatenated with a colon (:) followed by its short name. The port_name_size() is the maximum length of this full name. Exceeding that will cause the port registration to fail.

    The port name must be unique among all ports owned by this client. If the name is not unique, the registration will fail.

  • is_terminal (bool) – For an input port: If True, the data received by the port will not be passed on or made available at any other port. For an output port: If True, the data available at the port does not originate from any other port

    Audio synthesizers, I/O hardware interface clients, HDR systems are examples of clients that would set this flag for their ports.

  • is_physical (bool) – If True the port corresponds to some kind of physical I/O connector.


Port – A new OwnPort or OwnMidiPort instance.


Unregister all ports in the list.

class jack.RingBuffer(size)[source]

Create a lock-free ringbuffer.

A ringbuffer is a good way to pass data between threads (e.g. between the main program and the process callback), when streaming realtime data to slower media, like audio file playback or recording.

The key attribute of a ringbuffer is that it can be safely accessed by two threads simultaneously – one reading from the buffer and the other writing to it – without using any synchronization or mutual exclusion primitives. For this to work correctly, there can only be a single reader and a single writer thread. Their identities cannot be interchanged.

Parameters:size (int) – Size in bytes. JACK will allocate a buffer of at least this size (rounded up to the next power of 2), but one byte is reserved for internal use. Use write_space to determine the actual size available for writing.

The number of bytes available for writing.


Write data into the ringbuffer.

Parameters:data (buffer or bytes or iterable of int) – Bytes to be written to the ringbuffer.
Returns:int – The number of bytes written, which could be less than the length of data if there was no more space left (see write_space).

Contains two buffer objects that can be written to directly.

Two are needed because the space available for writing may be split across the end of the ringbuffer. Either of them could be 0 length.

This can be used as a no-copy version of write().

When finished with writing, write_advance() should be used.


After an operation that changes the write pointer (write(), write_advance(), reset()), the buffers are no longer valid and one should use this property again to get new ones.


Advance the write pointer.

After data has been written to the ringbuffer using write_buffers, use this method to advance the buffer pointer, making the data available for future read operations.

Parameters:size (int) – The number of bytes to advance.

The number of bytes available for reading.


Read data from the ringbuffer.

Parameters:size (int) – Number of bytes to read.
Returns:buffer – A buffer object containing the requested data. If no more data is left (see read_space), a smaller (or even empty) buffer is returned.

Peek at data from the ringbuffer.

Opposed to read() this function does not move the read pointer. Thus it’s a convenient way to inspect data in the ringbuffer in a continuous fashion. The price is that the data is copied into a newly allocated buffer. For “raw” non-copy inspection of the data in the ringbuffer use read_buffers.

Parameters:size (int) – Number of bytes to peek.
Returns:buffer – A buffer object containing the requested data. If no more data is left (see read_space), a smaller (or even empty) buffer is returned.

Contains two buffer objects that can be read directly.

Two are needed because the data to be read may be split across the end of the ringbuffer. Either of them could be 0 length.

This can be used as a no-copy version of peek() or read().

When finished with reading, read_advance() should be used.


After an operation that changes the read pointer (read(), read_advance(), reset()), the buffers are no longer valid and one should use this property again to get new ones.


Advance the read pointer.

After data has been read from the ringbuffer using read_buffers or peek(), use this method to advance the buffer pointers, making that space available for future write operations.

Parameters:size (int) – The number of bytes to advance.

Lock a ringbuffer data block into memory.

Uses the mlock() system call. This prevents the ringbuffer’s memory from being paged to the swap area.


This is not a realtime operation.


Reset the read and write pointers, making an empty buffer.


This is not thread safe.

Parameters:size (int, optional) – The new size for the ringbuffer. Must be less than allocated size.

The number of bytes in total used by the buffer.

class jack.Status(code)[source]

Representation of the JACK status bits.


Overall operation failed.


The operation contained an invalid or unsupported option.


The desired client name was not unique.

With the use_exact_name option of Client, this situation is fatal. Otherwise, the name is modified by appending a dash and a two-digit number in the range “-01” to “-99”. Client.name will return the exact string that was used. If the specified name plus these extra characters would be too long, the open fails instead.


The JACK server was started for this Client.

Otherwise, it was running already.


Unable to connect to the JACK server.


Communication error with the JACK server.


Requested client does not exist.


Unable to load internal client.


Unable to initialize client.


Unable to access shared memory.


Client’s protocol version does not match.


Backend error.


Client zombified failure.

class jack.TransportState(code)[source]

Representation of the JACK transport state.

exception jack.JackError[source]

Exception for all kinds of JACK-related errors.

exception jack.CallbackExit[source]

To be raised in a callback function to signal failure.


Convert CFFI position struct to a dict.


Get tuple of major/minor/micro/protocol version.


Get human-readable JACK version.


Return the maximum number of characters in a JACK client name.

This includes the final NULL character. This value is a constant.


Maximum length of port names.

The maximum number of characters in a full JACK port name including the final NULL character. This value is a constant.

A port’s full name contains the owning client name concatenated with a colon (:) followed by its short name and a NULL character.


Set the callback for error message display.

Set it to None to restore the default error callback function (which prints the error message plus a newline to stderr). The callback function must have this signature:

callback(message: str) -> None

Set the callback for info message display.

Set it to None to restore default info callback function (which prints the info message plus a newline to stderr). The callback function must have this signature:

callback(message: str) -> None

Return PID of a JACK client.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the JACK client whose PID shall be returned.
Returns:int – PID of name. If not available, 0 will be returned.



Version History

Version 0.4.0 (2015-09-17):
Version 0.3.0 (2015-07-16):
Version 0.2.0 (2015-02-23):
Version 0.1.0 (2014-12-15):
Initial release